God Save America

A typical, well-constructed conservative prayer observation today from Townhall.com:

God Bless America… …The fervent prayer of the day is, God, please deliver us from the tyrannical lefties poised to take over this beautiful country. Their own minion, JamesB, above threatens us in his own words. Surely, we WILL PAY!

God, most of the people in this country do not know how totalitarian minded communists take over a country and convert it to their own ends. Their ways have faded in history, please don’t let it come to this great land!

NObama! No communism! Nohow!

3 Responses to “God Save America”

  1. Was just over at Townhall.com reading the reader’s predictions for tomorrow…SURPRISE! (Not really)…according to these commenters, McCain/Palin are going to pull out a squeaker of a win to save America from that Communist fiend, Barack Obama.

  2. …oh and this little tidbit, too — after McCain wins — “Riots in the streets of LA, Harlem, etc.” Stay classy Townhall.com commenters.

  3. Most of them are worthy of Hugh’s favorite putdown, “nutters.” Hugh was fairly hysterical today, half-jokingly telling voters in PA that various catastrophes are befalling them so they won’t vote. Too late.

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