“We do not torture.”

But you did, Mr. Bush. You did:

According to a bipartisan Senate report, then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and President George W. Bush bear responsibility for the torture and abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Bagram and Guantanamo and the tossing aside of the Geneva Conventions, which are part of US law.

Now get the fuck back to Texas you crook. Count your blessings.

8 Responses to ““We do not torture.””

  1. Hey thanks for bringing this to my attention, I haven’t seen it reported anywhere!

    Oh, and well said on the sentiments regarding Mr Bushs’ imminent departure! ;)

  2. Yes, after how many years of lies and stonewalling from Team Bush and his media enablers, the truth comes out to great silence..

  3. Aussie Boy Says:

    Aren’t the majority of Washington Democrats, including Obama, who actually had the power to do something about the torture, who looked the other way, who were silent all these years, who refused to raise the issue during the campaign, who voted for the Military Commissions Act, aren’t they complicit in these crimes against humanity? If Obama doesn’t move aggressively to hold the people responsible for these violations of law and human decency accountable, then he is a partner in their commission.

  4. There is truth in that. But these guys are like sharks and protect their circle.

  5. I fully agree, although should Bush go back to Texas, or should he go spend time in Guantanamo? Let him see what it is like up close.

  6. Ideally, he would be at least be impeached for posterity. Ideally.

  7. Will 1/20/09 never arrive?
    As for the Democrats silence on torture somehow making them as cupable as the Repubs in this degenerate mess, sorry, but what they did is, to quote Jules, “ain’t the same fuckin’ ballpark, it ain’t the same league, it ain’t even the same fuckin’ sport.” Fuck these fuckity fuck Republicans. Sorry for the language, but enough is enough is enough. Enough! Somebody, anybody, grab a rope!

  8. Well, there has to be some accountability on a constitutional scale. If they can censure impeach Clinton…my Gawd…

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