Alien Action Figure – 1979

The most perverse toy in the history of American marketing must be Kenner’s 16 inch Alien plastic action figure released just in time for Christmas after the film’s huge theatrical success. I was lucky enough to get one for my birthday (thanks Mom!) along with the Kenner ALIEN Movie Viewer.

I always thought it cool, bizarro and hilarious that the shelves of Toys R’ Us were stocked with a biomechanic H.R. Giger toy replete with phallic skull and jutting jaws during Xmas. The outcry was quick and the Alien figure was pulled from shelves, launching the toy into the realm of the uber-collectable. I still have mine in the box, albeit still slimed with KY Jelly to duplicate the Alien’s exterior goo. Those were the days.

4 Responses to “Alien Action Figure – 1979”

  1. Pretty cool. I only recall seeing it a couple times…

  2. When I was 14 or 15 I developed an extreme attachment to the Alien franchise. I’m not sure if I wanted my own personal Star Wars obsession and just didn’t want to obsess over what everyone else was obsessing over, or if there was something intrinsic to the franchise that I dug, but I went wild over it. I had a website with fan art and all kinds of useless stuff. Some dude even has my artwork archived! (it’s crap, but probably worth a laugh or two) And yes, I went nuts on eBay snatching up all kinds of memorabilia: Aliens micro machine toys, action figures, board games, signed comic books, etc. Somewhere I grew out of it (perhaps it was the 6 year delayed reaction to Resurrection when I finally realized what a POS it was).

    But this little post brings it back. Most perverse children’s toy ever? Heck yeah. I was walking through Wal-Mart the other day, marveling at how they were unashamedly marketing The Dark Knight to 9 year olds, but this reminds me that it can get much worse.

  3. Yes, I was obsessed with ALIEN when it came out the same I was with STAR WARS. Like Walter Hill said, ALIEN was the flip side of SW.

    But once again, you can still get those phallic shaped monsters at Toys R’ Us!

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