Archive for Kenner

Saturday Morning 1977

Posted in Culture, Film, Music with tags , , , , , , on April 25, 2009 by christian

Coolest Toys Eva. The Micronauts were actually licensed by Mego in the wake of Kenner’s STAR WARS enormous toy success. Originally from Japan (of course) where they were called “Microman” and had a slightly cooler design, the company Takara had actually licensed Hasbro’s iconic GI JOE body moulds for their action figures. The four inch articulated figures were incredibly detailed and fun to put in stop-motion poses. In cultural contrast, here’s an AWESOME commercial from Japan for “Microman.” As one of the youtube comments put it, the ad’s music “is better than sex” — at least until you’re done with Micronauts. I still have a few.

Alien Action Figure – 1979

Posted in Culture, Film with tags , , , on October 24, 2008 by christian

The most perverse toy in the history of American marketing must be Kenner’s 16 inch Alien plastic action figure released just in time for Christmas after the film’s huge theatrical success. I was lucky enough to get one for my birthday (thanks Mom!) along with the Kenner ALIEN Movie Viewer.

I always thought it cool, bizarro and hilarious that the shelves of Toys R’ Us were stocked with a biomechanic H.R. Giger toy replete with phallic skull and jutting jaws during Xmas. The outcry was quick and the Alien figure was pulled from shelves, launching the toy into the realm of the uber-collectable. I still have mine in the box, albeit still slimed with KY Jelly to duplicate the Alien’s exterior goo. Those were the days.