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Dr. Tongue’s 3-D Evil House of Pancakes

Posted in Culture, Film with tags , , , on October 18, 2008 by christian

We all remember Count Floyd and this classic from “Monster Chiller Horror Theatre”…right?

Biden Time

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , on October 3, 2008 by christian

Thank Gawd that’s over. I really have a visceral response to Palin’s smirking, chirping, and winking. Yes, she actually winked to America. She came off as a female Ned Flanders, “Gosh, oh darn, you betcha, diddly doo-wop.” But Flanders has a humility unknown to public Palin, who read her McCain Cliff Notes like the sportscaster she was.

Biden was shaky at the start, but picked up steam and cleaned her clock on substance. His response to her scary suggestion that a VP should have MORE POWER was his highlight. He called Dick Cheney “dangerous” and nailed home that a VP gets one tie-breaking vote, not Cheney’s ever-changing unconstitutional definition. I can’t believe Palin is proud of “Drill, baby, drill” and Biden rightfully pointed out that it will be ten years before drilling helps our economy. Biden’s tears at memory of his family was touching and Palin just rolled on with her forced, emphatic, incoherent speeches. She just talks in circles, hoping somebody finds the way home. Gwen Ifill was awful, shackled by the fact her Obama book is coming out next year.

The GOP red meat base will say Palin delivered, but then, they’re already behind her. As for indy minded Americans, I’m going to call this one for Joe.