Archive for Hank Hill

Adios King Of The Hill

Posted in Culture, Politics with tags , , , , on November 1, 2008 by christian

My favorite TV series has been put out to the pasture. Mike Judge’s KING OF THE HILL, which premiered in 1997 when Bill Clinton was president and I was living large in Texas, had a terrific ten year run. The show had a resonance on me since I too was exploring the mindscape of the state that Judge would satirize with affection. I recall watching the episode, “Texas City Twister,” the night an actual tornado was threatening Austin and that stormy ominous night probably bonded me for life with the series. Plus, living so close to George W. Bush in Austin, I felt early on the ill-winds of political change; in 1998, I warned my friends that a simpleton faux-cowboy governor was going to be the next President. Nobody believed me. But that didn’t stop me from loving Texas or Hank Hill, I tell you what…