Archive for John McCain

A Townhall Without Pity

Posted in Culture, Politics with tags , , , , on October 21, 2008 by christian

Where’s the funniest political satire on the web?


It’s the web’s biggest Republican opinion site, Here you can find all the accumulated wit and wisdom (and I use the word accumulate as a diminuitive) of the modern GOP media elite. The ringleader of TH is one Hugh Hewitt, who I have dubbed “Hugh Hyperbole” for his breathless, astoundingly wrong predictions and projections. He argued that Harriet Miers was a masterful Supreme Court pick, that the GOP would take both houses in 2006 and that Mitt Romney would be the GOP candidate for President, with his non-stop, hilarious “Romney Rising!” posts despite all evidence to the contrary. Hewitt teaches constitutional law at Chapman University in Orange County and it’s rather scary than a man so committed to denying reality is influencing young law-school minds. But you know all about the evils of academia.

I find it more insightful to peruse right-wing sites than left-wing, since I already know how I think. I’m always trying to find a bridge — or a rickety scaffolding in this case — over to the other side, and since TH is the leading site of modern conservative thought, just a glance through the comments should give any sane person pause. Yes, there are “nutters” (a favorite Hewitt word) on the left but the levels of violent irrationality on display at is scary as shit. Here’s one example:

Except the PC Nazis will likely frown on calling Obama a monkey or a chimp, or on caricatures that give him an ape face. Hypocritical double standard, you know.

There’s lots of these bon mots scattered through the site. And the rising fear and dread of an “Obammi” administration makes me envision a new movement of radical survivalists armed with all their readily-available firepower to defend or offend their unique “small town values” of paranoid xenophobia.

More important, one can see exactly where McPalin have received their talking points. The mantra is AYERS ACORN and WRIGHT. And the repeated dogma is that once McCain really uses this against Obama, the scales will fall from American eyes. Well, Team McCain has used this mantra. Repeatedly. To stunning indifference. Never mind that the unrepentant slime G.Gordon Liddy held fundraisers for a more unrepentant McCain, or that Reagan supporter Walter Annenberg actually funded Bill Ayers, or that Palin’s husband belonged to an Alaskan independence group for seven years. That dog don’t hunt on TH.

What’s more incredible is the level of denial on the site about the public’s perceptions of Obama versus McCain. These folk really do see themselves as the Last Great White Hope of America and their enemy is the media elites and those book-learnin’ God-fearin’ marxists. Who all hate America.

I have never seen such a collective delusional projection in my lifetime.

But I digress. is loads of funny. And in keeping with his stunning lack of insight, here’s Hugh Hewitt’s hilarious post today:

“What happened to push these numbers into the statistical tie? Obama’s lecture to Joe the Plumber about “spreading the wealth around.”

What will continue the favorable trend for McCain?  Joe Biden’s blunt warning of how the globe’s very bad guys would try and push the rookie around.”

A professor of law whose job is to instill facts and reason claims daily the race is “tightening” despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Somebody should alert Pew:

Barack Obama’s lead over John McCain has steadily increased since mid-September, when the race was essentially even. Shortly after the first presidential debate on Sept. 26, Obama moved to a 49% to 42% lead; that margin inched up to 50% to 40% in a poll taken just after the second debate. Currently, Obama enjoys his widest margin yet over McCain among registered voters, at 52% to 38%. When the sample of voters is narrowed to those most likely to vote, Obama leads by 53% to 39%.

So if you’re looking for a scary chuckle, head over to and find out how the other half of the asylum lives. And remember, Romney Rising!